teacher of the tantric arts & feminine embodiment. embodied leadership mentor. devoted lover & sexual liberator.
at the core of my work, i am here to expand you on every possible level. to support the death of what no longer serves you, in order to rebirth you into the woman you came here to be
i will help ignite your erotic fire & guide you to channel this potent creative force into your highest expression
I offer my gifts as a revolutionary transformation guide, through Online Courses, 1:1 Mentoring & Trainings. These unique opportunities, allow a space for you to connect within; so you can feel deeply & from this space begin living your most delicious life
I am also the author of best seller Sex Priestess, which has helped thousands of women liberate their eros & embody their feminine power
I am wildy passionate about exploring the depths of human experience & potential; and my personal journey has led me to a deeper understanding of self, through the sacred path of Traditional Tantra Yoga (with roots in Kashmiri Shaivaism Tantra)
However, I always find myself arriving back to simple truth:

Life is supposed to be blissful, ecstatically orgasmic, creatively abundant, spontaneous, juicy, radically self expressive & wildly adventurous. We are here as powerful creators, to create, from our essence. And… that… The answers are always within + our authentic state of being is love & orgasmic bliss

My Journey
Hi I am Nadine & I have always been highly attuned to sexual & spiritual energy. From as young as 5 years old, I recall asking questions about God; connecting with Spirit realms; and experimenting with my own sexuality through experiencing ecstatic states. At as young as 6; I realised the power of this energy to awaken to self actualisation
At age 14 I had my first Kundalini awakening. Leaving me in a satori (mindless) state for 3 days. Each day convinced I was ‘dying’. I had no spiritual support for this phenomenon and was left confused and convinced I was ‘crazy’. From this moment I decided to lock all this into a box in my mind & focus on filling my mind with thoughts; for being in that place of absolute stillness – was way too frightening at the time
Suppression of my true self left me coping with the pain through eating disorders; abuse of drugs & alcohol, suffering low self esteem, depression & anxiety. Constantly seeking outside myself for happiness, for the next ‘high’. I spent most of my early 20’s in & out of high flying corporate marketing & advertising jobs, I did just to pay the bills. Which left me feeling numb & totally disconnected from my soul. The only time I could ever ‘feel’ anything was when I got high on drugs & alcohol; or when I inflicted physical pain through hell at the gym or deprivation of calories & bulimia. All the while, deep down knowing my potential but felt lost & completely disconnected in a world of unrealistic expectations she had bought into, because I knew no other way…
In early 2011, things shifted. I knew I could not keep living this way. A strong voice within was calling me towards Yoga. Synchronistically I found myself on a Tantric Yoga retreat; which led me deeper into exploring the Tantric Temple Arts & Sacred Sexuality
From these profound experiences huge shifts occurred within & gave me a glimpse back into connecting to a force beyond me; in a safe way (unlike my initial awakening at 14)
Since deepening into the Tantric path since, it has allowed me to integrate spirituality & sexuality as a portal for deepening into truth & love. Sacred sexuality has allowed me to heal guilt & shame around sexuality; which soon clicked to be the link missing in all the conventional therapies for treating body image issues & consequently reclaiming my own power
The correlation of body image issues & sexuality intrigued me. To understand the body side of it, I soon enrolled to become a nutritionist & not long after, deepening my Tantra studies in India; spending time immersed in Traditional Tantra Yoga at Shri Kali Ashram

My passion lies in empowering women back to self love; honouring of the natural cycles of life & nature & breaking down sexual & societal conditioning of the mind around such taboo topics, like Menstruation & Sexuality. I know that when we bring consciousness to such natural bodily functions, through ritual & reverence, the essence of Tantra begins to naturally awaken us to our power, a depth of understanding of our self beyond physical & our innate embodied wisdom
Tantric Alchemy is my legacy to the world & I am so passionate about helping other women, as I have helped myself liberate both sexually & financially & claim the woman they came here to be
Diploma of The Tao of Healing Love part 1 (2023); Universal Healing Tao System of Thailand (12 hours)
Kundalini The Essential Course (2023); Life-Force Academy (21.5 hours Yoga Alliance)
Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training (2021); Cibubur Yoga Centre, Bali (100 hours)
Women’s Mentor, (2017); Journey of Young Women Institute
Traditional Tantra Yoga Teacher Training, (2015); Shri Kali Traditional Tantra Ashram, India (500 hours)
Certified Nutritionist & Holistic Counsellor (2014); Australian Institute of Applied Science, Australia
Tantric Body Worker, (2014); International School of Temple Arts
Hatha Yoga Teacher Training, (2013); Yoga India, India (250 hours)
Remedial Massage Therapist, (2012); Academy of Therapeutic Arts, Australia
Bachelor of Business Management, (2008) University of Queensland
…Most important, a constant student of life!
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