then this book is for you
Who is the sex priestess?
She is the embodied untamed force of creation and eros itself. She is the wild feminine unleashed. She is the ultimate expression of female power—and she is YOU.
The Sex Priestess is an archetypal force that lives inside every woman. Just as she did in the ancient temples, she dances through life (literally and metaphorically) as a receptive channel transmitting truth, beauty and liberation, through her body and heart.
For the past two decades, tantric arts teacher and feminine embodiment coach Nadine Lee has been on a personal quest of sexual and spiritual liberation. In this book, she guides you into the deep and mysterious power of the Sex Priestess within yourself; the place where your power, truth and pleasure is waiting to be unlocked. Part memoir, part self-help, this transformative guide takes you on a life-changing journey to unlock your feminine power. Drawing from her own life experience from the beginnings of her journey being called to the path of tantra, through battling her inner demons from sexual trauma, to alchemising her pain into power, SEX PRIESTESS captures the spiralic heroine’s journey that is forever unfolding. This book will guide you through a series of practical and profound wisdom teachings for healing and empowering your sexuality and unlocking your creative power. Enter the mystery of the feminine as this book initiates you into seven codes to awakening the Sex Priestess within you, guiding you along your own tantric path of embodiment and empowerment.
The codes to your empowerment live in your body& this book will help you unlock them
This book will take you on a journey through the 7 codes that will unlock the sex priestess within you
The first code is Opening the Womb Portal. We begin by finding our true power through connecting with the power of the womb and releasing the trapped emotions stored in the body. This descent is one that each of us must summon the courage to take, making our first steps to reclaim the temple that is our bodies—a space which we may have abandoned or shamed for many years, decades or even lifetimes.
The second code is The Divine Masculine, where we dive deep into integrating and healing your relationship to the masculine. A Sex Priestess—an empowered integrated woman—must have a healthy relationship to the masculine, as it is expressed in both the men in her life and her own inner masculine. If she wants to be in union with herself and in healthy partnership, this work is the essential foundation.
The third code, Inner Union, is all about creating harmony within yourself through inner union of the masculine and feminine energies. This union of opposites is also the highest stage of the alchemical process and the ultimate goal of alchemy, for one truly liberates themselves beyond duality and into oneness consciousness.
The fourth code, Self-Sourced Eros, is about reclaiming all parts of your sexuality as a woman and releasing those parts that still source fulfillment, pleasure and love from outside of yourself. Here, we’ll explore how to start sourcing ourselves from within. This is such a powerful code of the Sex Priestess, and one that requires you to learn and unlearn old behaviours and patterns so that you can truly be the source of your own pleasure.
The fifth code, Orgasmic Co-Creation. Now it is time to learn how to harness this energy into co-creation with life itself. We will explore the unlimited possibilities available to you once you are aware of how to harness this potent force within. It is one thing to learn how to activate your sexual energy as a Sex Priestess, but the next evolution of that is learning how to channel this energy into your creativity.
The sixth code, Initiatrix of Awakening, teaches you how to begin to extend your inner life force to penetrate every inch of your reality. Once this energy is unlocked and fully activated in a woman, she naturally embodies her inner Sex Priestess and begins to become a healing and transformational force for others. When this code is unlocked, the Sex Priestess is activated not only in lovemaking, but in every interaction with men.
The seventh and final code is Living as the Sex Priestess, which is the full-circle coming home and integration of all the lessons we learn along our healing path. It is about establishing how these translate into shaping our soul’s work or our dharma in our lifetime. This code is about the journey of integration after you have answered the soul call to heal yourself, look at your sexual shadows, reclaim the exiled parts of yourself, face your core wounds and find your power through this process.
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Nadine Lee
founder of tantric alchemy
Nadine Lee is a teacher of the feminine tantric arts, feminine embodiment coach, devoted lover and sexual liberator. She is the founder of Tantric Alchemy, a community devoted to supporting you step into the woman you came here to be. She has helped thousands of women over the past decade, heal sexual trauma and ignite the erotic fire within, and to channel that creative force into their highest creative, feminine and sexual expression. She offers private mentorships, online programs and in-person workshops and retreats across the world.
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