5 week ONLINE journey to unleasH your erotic archetypal expressions in & out of the boudoir


The erotically expressed woman

is a woman fully connected to her body, sex, emotions & love

She is a woman who is not afraid of her darkness, in fact she draws her power from it

She has a wide range of Erotic Archetypal Expression, that she draws upon both in & out of the bedroom. She knows by unlocking the dormant erotic parts of her, that were once shamed, act as the rocket fuel for her creativity & feminine magnetism

During our 5 week journey, we are going to deeply embody & explore five Erotic Archetypes (with focus on the Dark Feminine): Maiden, Seductress, Sacred Slut, Dominatrix & Sex Priestess   

Society imposes absurd limitations on a woman’s sexuality, reducing women to a one-dimensional expression of femininity & glorifying the conservative good wife, but demonising women who are sexually embodied & expressed. We are conditioned as women to either choose between the Eve or the Lilith archetype, (the Wife or the Whore)

This patriarchal conditioning is rife within the collective unconscious, & it ends, when every woman frees herself from these shackles of internalised shame & fragmentation

It is time to let go of the good girl conditioning & unlock your fullest feminine sexual power by becoming Erotically Expressed

Join us as we dive deep into the parts of your sexuality, through exploring Five (5) Erotic Feminine Archetypes; that may have been hiding deep in the underbelly of your psyche for years or decades. These parts of you, are honestly where your greatest power lies… For when we make the unconscious, conscious – is when we are truly free!

This journey is going to be equal part Psychological & Somatic; as we unlock these Archetypes in the Psyche AND where & how they live in our bodies!

The 5 Erotic Archetypes

maiden • seductress • sacred slut • dominatrix • sex priestess

An Archetype is a universal symbol or pattern of consciousness that is present in the collective unconscious of all humans. They are innate & inherited. They shape our thoughts, feelings, & behaviours. By understanding these archetypes, we gain insight into our psyche & better understand ourselves & others. By identifying & exploring these archetypes, we also gain a deeper understanding of our unconscious motivations & conflicts, and work towards greater self-awareness & liberation.

The nature of the deep feminine is multi-dimensional, for she embodies 1000 faces of Shakti. When we bring this multi-dimensionality to our sex, through liberating these erotic feminine archetypes; sex can never get dull, as we deepen our emotional & sexual depth & variety, which also invites our partner to meet us in these spaces too…

When we are Erotically Expressed, our creativity, magnetism & abundance also exponentially unlocks to the next level; as these repressed archetypes, once unleashed hold wisdom, that is often what is needed to take you to the next level of your evolution

when you are erotically expressed, you are

Creatively Expressed,




& Juicy AF

For the woman who...

⚘ Feels shut off from her desires & body wisdom

⚘ Is experiencing ‘okay’ sex & knows there is so much more inside of her ready to be explored

⚘ Feels blocks in her creative energy

⚘ Feels blocks in her sexual energy & orgasmic potential

Judges or shames other women who seem to exude erotic energy, specifically women who embody the slut, dominatrix, seductress, sex priestess archetypes

⚘ Is often in her masculine energy & feels her feminine is being neglected

⚘ Is on the verge of a creative expansion phase & senses unlocking her eros on a deeper level is the key to opening up the channel completely

⚘ Feels dried up creatively & sexually & may have recently experienced a burn out

⚘ Knows she blocks men & money by blocking her eroticism & feminine radiance

⚘ Is afraid of what will happen if she fully opens up her eroticism (she is fearing her own power)

What you recieve…

5 x live 2-hour transmission/teaching calls with Nadine Lee + 1 Bonus Pre Recorded Jade Egg Practice Session (lifetime access)

Energetic entrainments in foundational feminine embodiment & tantric sexuality 

VIP Discounts on all Tantric Alchemy online programs 

Access to the Telegram chat where we will continue the conversation & energy outside of the live calls for the 5 weeks

FREE Copy of Nadine Lee’s best selling book: Sex Priestess

im ready to erotically express

5 weeks

5 erotic archetypes

session 1


We start with the Maiden, it is important we start with the heart space, so we feel safe in the body & nervous system – before we enter the darker shades of Shakti. The maiden in her healthy expression, connects us to our erotic innocence, playfulness & full trust in life + love. This archetype usually gets suppressed when we have lost connection to our erotic innocence through being entered without full presence of love & respect. The Maiden lives in the Heart & Clitoris, thus our embodiment practice will be focused on Breast Massage / HeartGasm & Clitoris self pleasure practice.

📆 WEDNESDAY JULY 31st @ 10am PST

Session 2

the seductress

The Seductress in her healthy expression is the mysterious force that allures in order to give.  A force of beauty that emanates & allures you (without trying or performing) that brings you a moment of bliss. She has the ability to allure you into silence, into complete awe, as she is fully enjoying the pleasure & presence of her own erotic current moving through her. The Seductress is the source of feminine radiance. This archetype usually gets suppressed & demonised due to societal conditioning portraying her as manipulative. This is because the Seductress in her shadow plays out in many women from a wounded place, as a result of lack of self love & seeking to seduce in order to validate herself. The Seductress lives in the Heart & G-Spot, thus our embodiment practice will be focused on Breast Massage & G-Spot self pleasure practice.


session 3

the sacred slut

The Sacred Slut is the part of us that is unapologetic about her desires & her love of pleasure. The Sacred Slut in her healthy expression, isn’t about sleeping around, although if she chooses that; it is from a complete wholesome, overflowing place of self love & respect. However it is more about the energy of feeling so confident in your sexuality & sensuality it is oozing from you, you are literally sex on legs & you are not afraid of owning it. This archetype unlocks so much of our creative gifts as we begin to give less fucks & free ourself from shame. The Sacred Slut in her shadow comes out through sleeping around, in order to get love & attention; and is rooted in deep lack of self love, respect & often unresolved sexual trauma. The Sacred Slut lives in the G-Spot & Root Chakra, thus our embodiment practice will be focused on G-Spot self pleasure & Root Chakra activation.


session 4

the dominatrix

The Dominatrix knows what she wants & is relentless in getting it. She has a healthy relationship with power & knows how to wield her power for the good of all. She is the part of you that likes to be on top, in control & worshipped. She shows up sexually to obliterate egos, to create space for more love & freedom. Your inner Dominatrix unlocks so much freedom & power. She is both mischievous & playful, as there is no limit to the fantasy worlds she invites her lover into. The shadow side of the Dominatrix is not knowing when to let go of control, as well as abusing her power. The Dominatrix lives in the solar plexus & heart. We need to break through our power struggles in order to move our sexual energy up into higher centres & liberating your inner Domme is the archetypal energy that does just this. Our embodiment practice will be focused on balancing solar plexus (power) with the heart (love).


session 5

the sex priestess

The Sex Priestess is the aspect of your erotic expression that knows how to work with sexual energy, as a healing & awakening force. Just as she did in the ancient temples, she dances through life (literally & metaphorically) as a receptive channel transmitting truth, beauty & liberation, through her body & heart. This is the part of you that knows how to use the sexual experience as a prayer, and your Orgasm as a portal to God, both solo or with your partner. The Sex Priestess initiates her lover into higher states of consciousness through the lovemaking experience & simply with her presence. The sex priestess dwells in the cervix & thus our self pleasure practice will be devoted to cervical orgasm. You will also learn the microcosmic orbit & sexual transmutation practices for women. Plus receive a BONUS Training: Pre-Recorded Jade Egg Pelvic Floor Practice, guided by Nadine Lee, to do in your own time.


become erotically expressed

  • "Working with Nadine helped me connect deeply with my body, tap into new levels of intuition and trust myself more fully. Releasing old stories and feelings from my body made so much space for embodied joy and delight. She's the best. Hire her."

    Brie Sodano - Business & Money Coach - USA

  • "Working with Nadine as part of 1:1 mentorship has been a very special & gratifying experience. Nadine is incredibly intuitive, gentle, soft & deep guide to your inner self & the way she holds space for the transformation processes to happen is completely magical. Nadine helped with so many transformational experiences but most importantly through very unique & curated experience she helped me reconnect with my body & energy. The numbness I have been feeling for years due to some heavy personal situations disappeared, the weight of old toxic relationships dissolved, & I feel I can walk my path again with an open heart. This is perhaps the deepest gift you can receive, when you can finally step back into the sovereignty of your body & energy as a woman. Everything changes & I will be forever grateful for the depth of the journey through which Nadine took me."

    Katia - Laywer - Dubai

  • "When I started my mentoring with Nadine I felt trapped, closed and shut down externally and internally. After 3 months with her guiding me, I feel like a complete different person now. With her support, I started stepping into my Free Wild Woman again, fulfilling my travelling goals and I also released some very old stuff that wasn't even mine that helped me having a better relationship with my mom. I feel hungry-for-life again and have so much more energy flowing through me. Regarding my business, I reached a whole next level financially without even trying - I am sure that just being in Nadine's energy is activating and transformative on every level. Nadine has such a grounded, wise and loving aura that made it easy for me to open up and trust. It was the first time a practitioner reached me in my depths. Thank you so much for your being!"

    Laura - embodiment coach - Germany

  • “If I could describe the past 6 weeks in a few words: alchemical, deeply transformational, uplifting, rejuvenating. I am so grateful for Nadine's wisdom & courage to share this experience. It was the type of healing I have been asking from God for a long time. I thank everyone for being so loving & accepting to each other. I look forward to the future in my new energy.”


  • “This program really gave me the chance to dive deeper into the topics I was already in. I really appreciated the embodiment practices & the experience of Nadine. Being in a container with other women felt so vulnerable & held at the same time, even if I could only watch the replays, as I am living in Europe. I booked it for myself as a birthday gift, great idea, now I feel sovereign in really being the priestess I already felt in myself since a very long time, I can practice it where I still need to (lifelong) & give it to my clients or include it in my programs. Thank you so much Nadine for this safe, professional & juicy container!”

  • “Sex Priestess Codes was an incredible experience. In the first 2 weeks, my whole life got shaken up for the better. I've never been so in alignment than now. I have more confidence & a higher sense of self-worth. I am setting higher standards for the people I allow in my life, as well as the use of my energy. I feel more powerful, yet calm & in flow. All of this, plus now having a deeper, more intensely attuned relationship with my sexual energy has made this program absolutely invaluable. I am so, so glad I took the leap & made the investment.”


  • “Nadine is the real deal; her transmission is deep & powerful.  She is a master of both ancient wisdom & her own experience, both of which she brings to her teachings.  She holds space with sensitivity & kindness, offering non-judgmental support as she guides you through deep healing. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with Sex Priestess Codes, but I experienced deep shifts & enjoyed every session immensely.  Working with the body, Nadine helps you access hidden blocks & free them with grace.  The result is a more integrated experience of the feminine & greater pleasure in life, love & sex.  Time with her is very special, & I would sign up for another transmission in a heartbeat!”


  • “The last 6 weeks with Nadine have been nothing but transformational. I laughed, I cried, I breathed, I growled & roared, I danced & moved, I punched pillows & let out rage, I wrote, & I connected to myself deeper than I ever thought possible. I have a new found confidence & way of life. I have awakened the Divine Feminine within myself. As well as my Masculine. I have married myself & vowed to honour both energies, everyday. I experienced a profound bliss & ecstasy while doing the orgasmic manifestation exercise. I felt my heart explode open & felt the energy flow from the base of my spine all the way up. I have never experienced that before, & want to continue feeling pure ecstasy. I feel the calling to exercise my Sex Priestess & initiate men into their Divine Masculine. I believe these tantric practices are the key to awakening everyone in the world & I feel a divine calling to share this knowledge with the everyone. If you feel any sort of calling for these practices & want to explore your femininity and how that relates to men & the world, then this life changing course is for you”.


  • “The Sex Priestess Codes container was the container where I lost & found myself anew, finally beginning to understand my souls language, my inner desires & needs. I also was able to fully embody my divine feminine for the first time in my life, which omg, felt amazing! What an eye opening experience. The divine timing of this course also led me to calling in a beautiful relationship. I have called in an amazing man who embodies his divine masculine & is balanced, & offers & responds fully to my embodied feminine. The timing was otherworldly & I cannot thank Nadine enough for her loving guidance in this container.”


  • “The Sex Priestess Codes were deeply alchemical. Thus far, you have been a profound inspiration for me in my journey of understanding & embodying Divine Sovereignty. Thank you for showing up, for being your magical authentic Self ! I know my life has now taken a new turn … I can finally feel myself fucking present & anchored in my power aligned with my body's Intelligence & my Dharma. It was THE energetic initiation into sisterhood & womanhood I was longing for! I'll be forever grateful for this experience, it's definitely worth sharing with more sisters. You are doing awe-mazing work. Thank you again beautiful Queen Goddess”.


  • “I’ve now done all of Nadine’s courses, worked 1:1 with her, & can say that Sex Priestess Codes is now officially my personal favourite - especially the last session with initiating men (sooo potent and so much epic juiciness contained in here ladies). It doesn’t matter whether you’re brand new to any of this or someone who holds feminine embodiment containers regularly yourself. This course is so so so profound and highly recommend it 111% to all. Sex Priestess Codes is truly an initiation of what needs to be normalised in the world. The codes & transmissions you will receive will radically shift your life in the most yummiest and activating of ways.”


  • “Mmmm... as a facilitator myself I can say that ...this was the best YES I’ve said to my next level expansion this year! So yummy and juicy! Even with my previous tantra and womb healing trainings, it was still wonderful to be in Nadine’s frequency. So many breakthroughs in the 6 week training alone that honestly I can’t wait to have space for a 1:1 mentorship with Nadine! Space holders get to be held to.”

    Hara Amaya

  • “Mentorship with Nadine allowed me to open the doors wider to my deep desire to create a life by radiating my authentic gifts. The growth I’ve experienced when it comes to self love, tapping into my magnetic abilities & recalling my highest form of expression cannot be described. This whole process started from a personal standpoint but now has evolved into a deep desire to help pollinate the world with cosmic womb wisdom & whatever else wants to birth through me. The sacred container you held for me cultivated, nourished & amplified my creative desires.”

    Elyza - coach - USA

  • “The energy emitted from Nadine’s presence is truly initiatory. There is no doubt in my being that the personal exponential growth I have experienced over the past three months is directly related to working within the strong container Nadine created for me. We dove into shadow work that has ignited profound shifts & revelations which I allowed myself to receive due to Nadine’s guidance. I feel prepared with tools, practices and meditations so I can wholeheartedly integrate the continuous understandings. We also did a lot of work into tangible & practical ways we can show up in the world through business. This portion was extremely beneficial for me as I continue to embody my fullest expression & create a soulful career. Everything from Nadine’s transmissions and teachings to her genuine ability to hold space has helped me on my way to true integration of all that I know into how I live in my body. Because of the tools and support I have gained from the mentorship, I am well on my way to birthing my first big unique creation into physical manifestation. I am deeply & unequivocally grateful to Nadine & I can say with conviction that I will continue to work with her in the future.”

    Jaclyn - feminine coach - USA

  • “Before our journey I was unsure of what steps to take to actualize my purpose. I didn’t know what was next in launching my own business, or how 1:1 mentoring would flow. Now I feel more deeply connected to the power of my divine feminine essence. I’ve developed beautiful practices to continue my journey of sexual healing and awakening & I am no longer resisting or postponing that work. I feel a sense of leveling up & empowerment in my business & personal offerings. I realized how I was actually bypassing certain shadows & trauma that existed within me. This journey revealed the areas I need to look even more deeply. Every coach should have a coach! If you’re ready to level up your life, & awaken to your potential, take the leap & honor your soul’s calling.”

    Lavina - intimacy coach - USA

  • “The 3 month 1:1 Mentorship allowed me to dig deeper & really integrate the practices with full support & guidance. Since completing the mentorship I feel some major shifts have taken place, mainly surrounding my shadows & the triggers that bring them to the surface. I have also learned how to honour my feminine side more & accept self love. There were many emotional releases through the practices shared, from inner child meditations, to breast massage & the yoni egg. I truly believe all women should be taught feminine embodiment practices & feel my calling is now to help others become aware.  This is my new journey ahead. Nadine is a beautiful free spirit, radiates love & most importantly knows & lives her truth.  Having Nadine to mentor you is an honour & I would recommend if you are wishing to move forward with any aspect of your life you consider one of her courses on offer to learn how to listen to your own body & intuition as a woman.”

    Helen - mindset/wellness coach - DUBAI

  • "Wow, working 1:1 Nadine has hands down been the BEST POTENT experience hands down. She’s been my favourite coach I’ve worked with yet & I just love the sacred space she holds by guiding you through exactly the medicine your soul & body needs. Before our work together 3 months ago, I was in a very new phase of my life - having moved to a new country, ending a 5 year relationship, shifting niche's in my own work...& just getting acquainted with a "new me," there was so much being released in my life at the time. In the first half of the mentorship Nadine was able to help guide me through various embodiment techniques & inner child healing practices that truly I felt like such a RENEWED soul afterwards. To be honest, I went into this mentorship without any set “plans” or “intentions” of what I was going to create; however, by the time the last month came around after having done so much various release work I genuinely felt that all the emotions, stories & experiences I was experiencing and releasing through Nadine’s guidance genuinely was the exact tool that helped me be able to channel my newest 1:1 high ticket mentorship program myself. It was completely unexpected and yet now feels SOUL RIGHT. If you’re wanting to work 1:1 with Nadine I could not recommend this beautiful queen enough. She is so potent & truly gifted beyond words.”

    Stephanie Yen - tao tantric arts - USA

  • “I began working with Nadine at a time when I was going through a huge shift. I was looking to uncover my WHY, I was feeling really stagnant creatively, and as is life, divine timing I crossed paths with Nadine. The work that we did together over the 3 months, was truly magical. She guided me through inner child healing, clearing blockages, the feminine embodiment practices that we did together allowed me to connect so deeply to my feminine essence and my cycle as a woman and just swirl all of that creative energy through my body and we even covered in our last month practical business tips. The merging of these two energies was incredible and I am feeling so empowered moving forward with this crystal clear clarity around my why, my purpose, and my ability to share my gifts with this world. I am unbelievably stoked for whats to come and I could not be more grateful.”

    Angela Mariko - USA

  • “Working with Nadine one-on-one was one of the most life-changing decisions I have ever made. Despite being deep on my spiritual path and successful in my career of management consulting, I could feel there was a massive block in my life, preventing me from accessing a deeper part of myself -- that being my own divine feminine essence. Every session helped unlock a new part of that essence. A lot of the spiritual work I had done, had opened me up already in consciousness, but left me disconnected from my body and my womb. Nadine helped me overcome that and land on earth and now I feel connected to the heavens, yet grounded on earth, so I can live from my creative center in a more profound way.

    Externally, my dreams have started accelerating into manifestation and I feel more magnetic than I ever have before. I actually still cannot believe how much my life changed from the mentorship with her, not only from the practices and wisdom that Nadine shares, but also from her divine transmission as a teacher. Nadine listens deeply, holds space for the depths of your being even in its darkest places, and intuitively penetrates your psyche and essence with her wisdom and guidance to move you through a journey that I would call shamanic. She is a powerful teacher, coach, and light in this world. Being deep in the business world, I also have to highlight that Nadine impressed me with her level of dedication, promptness, and effectiveness in sharing takeaways, exercises, and synthesising our sessions so I could move forward in a practical way.

    My journey has not ended with Nadine as I consider her one of the only people I would reach out to for one-on-one coaching sessions and I am currently enrolled in her group mentorship. I look forward to continuing my journey into feminine embodiment with her as my dear guide, mentor, and sister. If you are thinking twice about working with her, let that resistance go, and make the jump…she will bring you back to you.”

    Iram Cheema - biz consultant & kundalini yoga teacher - USA

  • “Working with Nadine was one of the best decisions I could have made. I went from living in a space not only internally but externally that in no way aligned with my values - to living in my dream home & more aligned with my passion & purpose than ever before. Not only do I feel totally clear on who I am & what I am here to do but I have all the practical tools needed in order to action those dreams & desires. I feel like I have the keys to unlocking all the doors I once thought were closed to me. I thought that I had to suffer and endure these "lessons" before receiving pleasure from life. Nadine reminded me that life gets to be pleasurable & that working with this energy brings about radical & lasting change to every area of our lives. The way she guides is so beautiful & effortless, allowing for a sacred space to be created where I was able to not only let go of unhealthy patterns from the past but also step in to the powerful, abundant woman I know I am. She's like the big sister I always dreamed of having! Thank you, Nadine. I will be forever grateful for you.”

    Saskia Mahani - Model & Coach - AUSTRALIA

Meet Your Guide

Nadine Lee

Teacher, author, leader

Hi sister, I am Nadine Lee – teacher of the feminine tantric arts, feminine embodiment coach and best-selling author of Sex Priestess: Liberate your Eros, Embody your Feminine Power & Become a Force of Awakening. I am the founder of Tantric Alchemy, a community devoted to supporting you step into the woman you came here to be. I have helped thousands of women over the past 13 years, heal sexual trauma and ignite the erotic fire within, and learn how to channel that creative force into the highest creative, feminine & erotic expression. I offer private mentorships, online programs and in person retreats & events across the world. This past year, after publishing my first book, has seen me quantum leap and impact thousands more women with my work. And it would be an honour to support you through this powerful iteration of your souls journey.

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