Embodied Feminine

Leadership Training


15 – 22 DECEMBER 2022

The Invitation

Sister, you are invited to join your soul sisterhood as we gather in ceremonial space that will activate your divine feminine as an embodied frequency & dissolve what is no longer serving you.

This is an invitation for women who are ready to fully step into their feminine leadership. This is an invitation for women who are ready to lead their communities into higher states of consciousness & deeper self wisdom, using the embodied awakening arts of Tantra.

This is a leadership training that will empower you with the tools & embodied education, to hold your very own womens circles, workshops, retreats, work 1:1 with clients & create your own unique flavour of feminine embodiment for your community.

It will be a journey of deepening your own relationship to your femininity, balanced with masculinity, as you embody everything you will begin to teach.

The new paradigm leadership comes down to one thing: EMBODIMENT. Are you embodying what you are teaching?

The focus of this training is on EMBODIMENT, first & foremost. And then from this space we CREATE, our OFFERINGS, from our UNIQUE essence.

This will be an intensive 7-day personal transformation journey, that will deepen you into your soul essence. And this is the foundation of your leadership.

This training is for you if...

✓ You have a deep desire to lead women into liberation & empowerment

✓ You are a natural born leader

✓ You have a current understanding &/or practice in the Yogic or Tantric Arts. OR simply desire to delve deeper into these topics

✓ You desire the tools, structure & support to get started launching your feminine empire

✓ You are already teaching or holding space for clients, but wish to deepen your own self practice & thus add more tools to your tool kit

✓ You know a part of your life work is to empower the rise of the divine feminine & masculine, in union on the planet

✓ You desire to empower yourself by valuing your gifts & translating your passion into your life work 

✓ You understand this work is about your personal evolution first & foremost. You are truly ready to take your own feminine & sexual evolution to the next level

What will you embody & receive...

✔ The tools, education & structure to start your own feminine empire or take your your pre existing feminine empire to the next stage of its evolution, as you evolve & deepen in your personal embodiment & self mastery

✔ Reconnect to your feminine feeling & receptive centre

✔ Activate your feminine radiance, magnetism & creative expression

✔ Embody your sacred sexuality, reclaiming your birth right to pleasure

✔ Initiation into the Feminine Archetypes & the Tantric Arts

✔ Healing of any unresolved wounds around the feminine, mother & sisterhood

✔ Unwaveringly trust your feminine intuition & womb wisdom

✔ Deepen your capacity to be authentic, set your boundaries & go after what you desire 

✔ Invaluable support from a network of women from around the globe as you embark on this next chapter of your evolution & soul work

Training Curriculum



We will all arrive to Finca Mia Retreat Centre, Costa Rica. You will be collected by a Shuttle bus from San Jose arranged by our Retreat Manager, Adrianna Nunez & arrive at the retreat space by midday. Here you will settle in, land, get bodywork if you prefer, swim in the pool, & have our first opening ceremony circle at sunset, followed by our first group dinner

    DAY 2


    We begin our journey by exploring & embodying the Feminine Archetypes. Working with the archetypes is a gateway into the subconscious shadow realms. Archetypal embodiment is a powerful process to guide in your own women’s circles.

    But first we deepen the understanding of how they show up in yourself first & foremost through deep embodiment processes through each of the following core archetypes.


      The Wild Woman, is the ruthless woman that knows what she wants & will not settle for anything less. She is empowered in her sexuality & body, she knows how to listen to & process her wild emotions. She is brutally authentic & fierce with passion, she knows her boundaries & knows her self worth. We will journey through a variety of embodiment processes and practices


      The Lover, arouses a sense of abundance, embodied wisdom, open hearted, trust in life, she embodies the perfect balance of inner & outer beauty. We will journey through a variety of embodiment processes & practices


      The Mystic, is the inner mystic in us all. The woman who can see beyond the illusions of the mundane world & truly believes, embodies & practices magic every day. She is deeply immersed & dedicated to her spiritual transformation & creative pursuits. We will journey through a variety of embodiment processes & practices

      DAY 3

      feminine tantric arts: JADE EGG PRACTICE

      During this day we will explore deeply the Feminine Tantric Arts. With a large focus upon the Jade Egg Practice, as a tool for divine feminine awakening & sexual empowerment. We will learn the ways of the Feminine Tantric Arts.

      You will learn & be guided through a series of Tantric Energy based self practices to circulate & sublimate your sexual energy into your creative, spiritual & healing energy. You will learn the foundations of the ancient Taoist Tantric practice of the Jade Egg. We will learn about the Jade Egg practice as a tool for Yoni & Womb healing, balancing hormones, pelvic floor health, releasing trauma, and circulating our life force energy. We will all participate in an embodied Jade Egg ritual together.

      The core practices we will explore:

      • Emotional Alchemy
      • Vital Organ Purification
      • Ovarian & Womb Purification Breathing
      • The Microcosmic Orbit Breathe
      • Archetypal Orgasms
      • Jade Egg Ritual comprising of 3 core practices: Foundational Pelvic Floor, Sexual Healing & Orgasmic Awakening

      DAY 4


      During this day we deepen our embodiment of Feminine Sexuality & Empowerment through awakening our Womb Consciousness. You will learn everything you need to know about conscious menstruation & how to live in your own feminine flow. Womb consciousness & Menstruation Magic is pivotal to Feminine Embodiment. Cultivating this knowledge & embodying the practices & concepts will leave you feeling confident to guide other women into these arts

      We will explore a variety of processes to Womb Healing & Awakening including:

      • Shadow Work
      • Womb – Heart Breathwork
      • Shamanic Tantric Dearmouring Bodywork
      • Inner child healing processes

      DAY 5


      During this day we explore Tantric Alchemy & Sacred Sexuality. You will be initiated into these embodied practices for self cultivation & as a facilitator of Tantric Arts & Feminine Embodiment

      You will receive initiations into the Sex Priestess Codes such as:

      • Embodied Erotic Dance & Temple Dance
      • Yoni Awakening
      • Orgasmic Manifestation
      • Masculine / Feminine Inner union healing & integration ritual
      • Sex Priestess Codes Initiation Ritual
      • Tantric Rituals & love making as a spiritual practice
      • Awakening Eros in Men
      • Solo & Partner Sex Magic

      DAY 6


      During this day we will be focusing upon establishing the foundations for your business – the balanced masculine/feminine way. This will be a powerful day anchoring in everything you have learnt & translating it into a business model for yourself, with your unique flavour.

      Topics we will explore:

      • Clarity of Vision
      • Magnetising Dream Clients
      • Discover your Niche
      • Social Media
      • Your authentic your Voice
      • Creating & launching online programs
      • Launching your first high end coaching packing
      • How to work with your menstrual cycle to do business the feminine/masculine balanced way

      DAY 7


      During our final day you will learn the art of being a powerful facilitator of transformation, in either a 1.1 capacity or a group setting. The techniques taught can be applied to in person events or online facilitation. You will also have the opportunity to guide the group through a process & apply everything you have learnt into practice.

      Topics we will explore:

        • Coaching: practicals & processes
        • New Paradigm embodied feminine leadership
        • How to open & close energetic portals
        • How to set up sacred space – altars, intentions, prayers, elements
        • How to manage a group setting energetically
        • How to energetically protect / shield yourself when guiding emotional work
        • How to transmute denser energies & clear the field

      DAY 8


      During our final integration day, we will spend integrating with some bodywork & a closing ceremony where you will be presented with a certificate as a teacher of the Tantric Alchemy – Embodied Feminine Leader. Departure will be at 12pm.

      Embodied Feminine

      Leadership Training


      15 -22 DECEMBER 2022


      Costa Rica

      Finca Mia, Costa Rica is the perfect venue for our womens immersion, as it is designed to help us remember our true nature, our essence. Nestled in the lush foothills of the Chirripo Mountain Reserve, sitting gracefully along the banks of the pristine Talari River, Finca Mia is an enchanting jungle retreat offering many amenities, healing modalities, and an unforgettable experience.  

      Located at an elevation of 4000 ft, the cool nights and warm days make the climate at Finca Mia the perfect balance. Surrounded by rainforests for secluded tranquility, yet graced by a vibrant community, this healing retreat center is full of warmth, opportunity for self reflection, insight, and restful rejuvenation. Finca Mia is a haven to many, and it is an honor for us to share this magical gem with you.

      For more info on our venue Finca Mia, Costa Rica – click here

      Training Prerequisites

      Students must have undertaken & completed one of the following in order to attend :

      Any Tantric Alchemy online course and / or

      ⫸ 1:1 or group Mentoring with Nadine Lee

      Investment all inclusive of...

      7 nights Twin Share Accommodation (option to upgrade to single room)

      8 days vegetarian meals daily (breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea, filtered water in rooms)

      Transport Group Bus Shuttle to & from San Jose

      Tantric Alchemy Feminine Embodiment Facilitator Training Manual

      Tantric Alchemy Post Retreat Integration Manual

      Discounts on Tantric Alchemy online courses

      Access to group photographs from the retreat

      VIP Access to group mentorship program with Nadine Lee

      Embodied Feminine

      Leadership Training


      Once full payment is made, your booking is confirmed Adrianna Nunez, our retreat manager will be in touch with the welcome information & further administrative arrangement, including full terms & conditions etc

      We look forward to having you join the 2022 Tantric Alchemy Embodied Feminine Leadership Training

      Meet Your Guide


      Nadine Lee is a teacher of the Tantric Arts and Feminine Embodiment Facilitator. She is based between Mexico & the USA & has devoted her life to deep soul transformation & is humbled to share what has touched & transformed her with you. At the core of her work, she is here to expand your mind body & soul. By helping you break down conditionings & stories that bind you & hold you back from living your truest potential.

      After a spontaneous kundalini awakening at 14, she knew her life was going to be about service, however she didn’t actualise this until she had ‘done the mainstream thing’ – and after finishing university, ended up working in Women’s Fashion, Magazines & Advertising industry. She spent 4 years in these realms, which was the final fuel to her fire to support herself & others break free from the matrix.

      She then answered the call of her heart towards her passions: soul transformation, holistic health, tantra & yoga. She began as a qualified Nutritionist specialising in womens eating disorders & body image; however found the missing link was always around Sexuality. From here she was initiated into the Temple Arts & Tantra. And later spent much time in India, training in the arts of Tantra, Yoga & Dance. For the past decade she have been devoted to transformation, service and has been blessed to apprentice with Shamans, Tanrikas & Spiritual Teachers.

      Her current work has taken a niche into the Tantric Arts, as a portal for deeper self love & liberation. She is the founder of Tantric Alchemy School of Awakening Arts. As the founder of this school of conscisouness she is devoted to show up as a voice of the taboo & anchoring the light into the ‘darker’ aspects of human nature (sexuality, menstruation, death, emotions) in order to free ourselves from our limitations & reclaim our innate power.

      Embodied Feminine

      Leadership Training

      $ 5,555

      Once full payment is made, your booking is confirmed Adrianna Nunez, our retreat manager will be in touch with the welcome information & further administrative arrangement, including full terms & conditions etc

      We look forward to having you join the 2022 Tantric Alchemy Embodied Feminine Leadership Training

      Previous clients

      • “Words really can't fully encompass the immensity of awakening, remembrance, and transformation which I experienced during my week with Nadine and the other Goddesses at the Feminine Embodiment Facilitator Training. It was one of those things that I needed, yet I had NO IDEA how much I needed it until I experienced it. Nadine held such a soft and grounded container for the experience. Her knowledge, her wisdom, her transmissions, all moving through so effortlessly, while also packing the capacity for some deep shifts. It felt like the feeling of standing on a beautiful cliffside, watching the ocean waves crashing down below - staring out into the vast expanse, the horizon of consciousness, with sacred sisters by your side. All together, experiencing, being, doing the sacred work - to prepare for now, what is happening, and what is yet to come”.

        Trishana Suman

      • “The Embodied Feminine Leadership Retreat was such a powerful transmission for me, as being held back from community these past two years learning how to bring myself fully online has been really tough. Coming together to drop in deeply with 27 women was life changing. The container that Nadine co creates for us to let go, surrender and awaken our Eros is untouchable. You feel as if you can fully open up and meet the truest, rawest, vulnerable parts of yourself along with all the other powerful woman interweaving this tapestry of trust. There is nothing in the world more powerful than bringing women together in the flesh breathing, chanting, dancing & releasing all that does not serve. I mean let’s just say we made it pour rain one night at the retreat centre by the power an magnetism we activated. (It didn’t rain anywhere else) Thank you Nadine for continually guiding the feminine deeper to the truth & what we are here to do.”

        Tara Tatangelo

      • "This experience changed my life. I use to be one who would constantly feel like I needed to compete, fight and work hard. It was exhausting and depleting my life force. When I learned about Nadine's offering my soul knew what it needed to do even if I didn't logically understand what I was diving into. The codes and upgrades I received during this training are priceless and I am so grateful I jumped right in. I now know that I come from a place of pleasure, joy and allowing and I am grateful to this training and experience with my sistars, Nadine and her team. I am forever grateful to them all!"

        Danielle Faber

      • “Feminine leadership training I have attended in Costa Rica was a transformational journey for me. In this week I have learned a lot about tantric arts, initiated in new practices, while deepening the ones I have been doing. Releasing and alchemizing energies, freeing my soul, experiencing magic, expanding in a very safe container held by Nadine. She fully embodies her wisdom and been so beautifully guiding us to embody more of our true serves. In this trip I was surrounded and inspired by 27 amazing women, feeling seen and heard, creating meaningful relationships and experiencing what is a loving tribe of sisters mean. Connecting to and seeing myself in new way, gaining so much knowledge, confidence and practical tools - I'm now feeling equipped and anchored in my power to share my magic with others. Thank you so much Nadine for your work, energy and being your authentic self! Beyond grateful!”

        Gulnaz Salas

      • “EFLT was not just another “women’s retreat”. I did not realize the potency of life change from the INSIDE that would occur for me during and after this tantric training. It’s been two weeks since I’ve been home, and I’ve consistently released old habits that weren’t helping me, I have let go of what wasn’t in my best interest by setting strong boundaries for my own inner peace. I’ve started taking care of my body from the deepest love & inner relationship with myself I have ever known. I feel like the Queen I came here to be in my life, & will definitely continue journeying & working with Nadine & tantric practices. The other facilitators Haley, Lana, & Rebekah were incredible with holding this container for our personal relationship with ourself to expand in depth and frequency as well. When I came home, I truly felt like a whole new person. Even today I was asked by a friend why I am glowing. I am so glad I decided to go to this training, and am clearing out my schedule for the next one!”

        Ruthie Lerato

      • “The EFLT was such a life changing portal. Nadine teaches from such a grounded, authentic & embodied space, that inspires you to find the power within yourself & lead from your true gifts. I experienced profound rewiring of the limiting beliefs that were holding me back from living my purpose. Being in such a beautiful environment in such a loving sisterhood was an experience I’ve needed for so long. To be seen for my fullness, held in my pain & honoured for my soul. I’ve never felt more powerful in my life nor more ready to fully embrace my highest potential & manifest my deepest desires”

        Henriette Johansen

      • “Nadine's Embodied Feminine Leadership Training brought me into a new level of trusting my soul's essence. Her transmissions and practices challenged me, inspired me and brought me deeper into my body than any other training I've done before. This experience is truly an initiation into what it is to be an embodied, whole, radiant woman. The codes and upgrades I experienced during the training are already translating into my leadership so beautifully. I highly recommend working with Nadine - she so gracefully and powerfully holds the type of container necessary for this type of transformational, feminine work.“

        Meleah Manning

      • “Through all the healing modules that I had been teaching & practicing, I had Mastered the Alchemy of Pain, yet this retreat with Nadine, revealed the missing link: dropping into Pleasure as a way of life. It opened not only my eyes, but my entire body to what feminine embodiment means, learning how to activate life force energy to regenerate myself and becoming more vital & alive as a result of it. One of the biggest differences I’ve noticed after this retreat is, my appetite for life - which I had lost a while ago, has returned and magnified. Nadine’s teaching style is inspiring.. more than conveying words, she transmits the wisdom of her teachings energetically through the embodiment of it. You receive it simply by being in her presence.”


      • “Nadine’s auric field is a portal. The experience itself was life changing, as I was transported into past/future timelines of Temple Priestess memories with sisters that to this day I maintain deep friendships with. The magic felt, made, and experienced deep in the jungles of Costa Rica was incredible and I am forever altered. It was a powerful, necessary and beautiful initiation into the priestess arts...or rather...a remembering, as women of the divinity that runs through our blood.”

        Vanessa Resendez

      • "Transformational does seem like a big enough word to cover this training. I came into this training so nervous & fearful like I wouldn’t be enough. I left the training with new sisters, with a power I have never felt about myself before, & with so many tools that I am implementing in my daily life. Aligned, supported, & reborn. I can’t recommend Nadine’s work enough.”

        Mandy Holesh

      • "I came on this retreat because I’ve been on my spiritual journey for some time, but I am new to this world of sacred sexuality and feminine arts. I feel so much gratitude, Nadine is the Queen - I feel so grateful to be learning from her and all the amazing women she magnetises into these retreats. From the first day I felt so safe to be in this space, coming here I thought I would be out of my comfort zone, but the space that Nadine creates and the sense of safety she creates as soon as you step into the temple; I felt free and safe to be my authentic self. I feel this is my rebirth and I am really becoming the person that I came here to be".

        Erin Edenholm

      • “This training was so much more than I expected it to be. I gained the tools and confidence needed to share my gifts with the world. I was surrounded by a group of inspiring women who were all there to support one another’s growth. I highly recommend this training to all women looking to quantum leap into the highest versions of themselves!”

        Madeleine Santoro

      • “The Embodied Fem Leadership Training up-leveled my life entirely. It was here I gained the tools to host goddess events & bring transformational experiences into other women's lives. Nadine is an inspiring teacher, & incredible sister. I am so grateful to have taken the call to action, & gained such an ally in my life. The circle we enter through her trainings are powerful, the sisterhood that blossoms through this initiation in priestesshood is unique, familiar and lasts a lifetime. I hold this training close to my heart, & give thanks to this portal for all that I have manifested into my life since. It is truly a blessing to be called to here”

        Haley Szuberla

      • "One of my intentions for this training was to reconnect to my own embodiment of the tantric arts. I have been a womens coach for about 3 years and I have done beautiful deep work with women; yet I felt there was this next deeper level. Through this past week I feel this deeper reconnection rebirth through my own sexual practices. I can't wait to implement them into my offerings next year. And take these practices and the wisdom of the sisterhood, the sacred sexual practices and integrate them into my daily life and trickle that into the world so I can continue to serve my mission to support women in coming into their own embodiment and confidence journey. I highly recommend this journey for any woman who seeks to go that much deeper into your own sexual and feminine journey".

        Hannah Dylan

      • “What I gained from my journey with Nadine & our sisters is the deepest acceptance of myself & where I'm at. Right here, right now. It was a gift of stepping higher frequencies. Traversing higher frequencies with others, so then we can begin to operate in that realm together. With love, support, reflection, pleasure. It was a opportunity to feel deeply human, & also out of this world. A beautiful chance to witness & be witnessed. A blossoming of self.”

        Cori Hughes

      Terms and conditions

      Early Bird Special (valid until 15th November 2022)

      $5,333 USD double occupancy, Luxury Cabins 

      If you prefer to make a deposit we can do so – however, you must be paid in full before departure, and it will be at the full price rate of $5,555 USD. Simply place your non-refundable deposit of $1000 USD deposit, to hold your spot. To redeem the early bird offer, the full balance is due no later than 15 November 2022. For those paying full price, the balance is due by 8 December 2022. 

      Our Cancellation Policy:

      Any cancellation will result in a total loss of $1000 USD deposit. Any cancellation before 15 September 2022, a full refund will be issued (minus the non-refundable $1000 USD deposit and any associated bank fees). Cancellations after 15 September 2022 are strictly non-refundable. We reserve the right to cancel the trip if it is not meeting the trip minimum (if we do so your deposit is refunded in full).  We shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from delays or cancellations in any of the companies you may have made travel arrangements with, or for any irregularities in your documentation required for travel. Trip cancellation is always recommended whenever making travel plans. You can use our suggested Travel Guard insurance Travel Guard online and choose from several policy options, or our recommended travel pro can get you set up with insurance. 

      Free Gift

      art of feminine receptivity