awakened femme



Awakened Femme

my love, you came here to live in your fullest feminine expression

The Awakened Femme, is the full spectrum woman who has awakened her heart and merged it with her sexuality. She is creatively expressed and unapologetic about who she is and what she is here to birth into the world

In this bundle I offer five (5) of my most potent Masterclasses which will guide you deeper into the essence of your feminine being

Enjoy five of my best selling masterclasses, where we shall dive deep into EMBODYING YOUR AWAKENED FEMME

The five masterclasses included are:

1. UNRAVELLED AND RAVISHED for the woman who is longing to unravel the barriers to love and intimacy

2. TENDING TO THE TEMPLE for women ready to let go of past disappointments in relationship

3. UNLEASH YOUR DARK FEMININE where we explore the shadow dark feminine, that holds the key to claiming all you desire in love, sex and business

4. LEADING FROM YOUR FEMININE to unlock your inner oracle and explore how she leads through the feminine in biz and love

5. HEALING THE FATHER WOUND to finally come into right relationship with the masculine (both inner & outer) by healing your relationship to your biological father & to father God

sister this is an invitation to activate...

the awakened femme



Who is this for?

♁ You are stuck in people pleaser or martyr energy

♁ You struggle setting clear boundaries (especially in relationship)

♁ You find it difficult to express your needs, wants and desires

♁ You are longing to unravel the barriers to love & intimacy, so you can receive the masculine ravish

♁ Women who are ready to let go of the past disappointments in relationship, get clear on what they desire & cultivate more embodied love in their life to become the vibrational match to the beloved

♁ You have a desire to become a self led woman

♁ You yearn to heal your inner masculine

The Bundle

MASTERCLASS #1: Unravelled & Ravished

A 2-hour masterclass for the woman who is longing to unravel the barriers to love & intimacy, so that she can receive the masculine ravish

Learn how to tend to your own heart space first & receive emotional penetration

Link your heart & sex energy

Develop healthy inner masculine

Learn to create safety for your feminine to open & blossom

Cultivate deeper discernment

Learn to expressing, gain clarity & assert your own physical & sexual boundaries

Nervous System Regulation

Enjoy the guided Breast Massage Practice to open & heal your heart

    MASTERCLASS # 2: tending to the temple

    A 2-hour masterclass for the woman who are ready to open to the love they long for, by tending to their own temple, first

    Let go of past dissapointments in relationship

    Get clear on what you need, desire & want in relationship

    Begin to cultivate more embodied love in your life & thus become a vibrational match to the beloved

    Release fear, guilt and/or obligations that play out in relationships

    Get crystal clear on what you desire from partnership

    Clear unspoken agreements that formed from your childhood early imprints

    Be guided through a powerful forgiveness ritual, so you can open to love in the present

    MASTERCLASS #3: unleash your dark feminine

    A 2-hour masterclass that lets the good girl die, unleashing your dark feminine that is the gateway to getting all you desire in life, love, sex & business

    Quit being a victim to life & step into your power

    Establish & integrate your shadows that keep you locked in good girl, people pleaser mode

    Reclaim & unleash your wild sexuality

    Become a mistress of your emotions

    Be guided through a powerful Dark Feminine Embodiment practice


    MASTERCLASS #4: leading from your feminine

    In this 2 hour masterclass you will learn the art of leading from your feminine in biz & love

    Unlock your inner oracle & explore how she leads through the feminine in biz & love

    Learn to trust the wisdom of your body (specifically your womb & yoni)

    Learn to initiate men in/out of the bedroom without emasculating them

    Heal your unhealthy masculine

    Integrate your inner feminine & masculine for inner & outer union

    Learn the art of being a self-led woman, whilst remaining deeply rooted in your feminine essence

    Enjoy a potent Embodiment Practice to attune you to your body wisdom & inner oracle

    MASTERCLASS #5: healing the father wound

    In this 2 hour masterclass you will come into right relationship with the inner & outer masculine. Through healing your relationship with your biological father AND the divine father (God)

    For women who feel they are operating from hyper masculine energy & feel burnt out OR collapsed masculine & nothing gets done, there is no structure in your life

    Understand what the father wound is & how it impacts you as a woman in all your intimate relationships

    Rewrite a new empowering story about the masculine

    Meet your inner masculine & bring him into balance

    Emotional & somatic release to clear out resentments/stuck emotions towards masculine

    Re-establish your connection to the divine father God (without religious influence)

    Liberate your inner masculine shadows

    save over 70%

    all 5 masterclasses valued at $599

    yours today for only $198

    Previous clients

    • “I’ve now done all of Nadine’s courses, worked 1:1 with her, & can say that Sex Priestess Codes is now officially my personal favourite - especially the last session with initiating men (sooo potent and so much epic juiciness contained in here ladies). It doesn’t matter whether you’re brand new to any of this or someone who holds feminine embodiment containers regularly yourself. This course is so so so profound and highly recommend it 111% to all. Sex Priestess Codes is truly an initiation of what needs to be normalised in the world. The codes & transmissions you will receive will radically shift your life in the most yummiest and activating of ways.”


    • “The Sex Priestess Codes container was the container where I lost & found myself anew, finally beginning to understand my souls language, my inner desires & needs. I also was able to fully embody my divine feminine for the first time in my life, which omg, felt amazing! What an eye opening experience. The divine timing of this course also led me to calling in a beautiful relationship. I have called in an amazing man who embodies his divine masculine & is balanced, & offers & responds fully to my embodied feminine. The timing was otherworldly & I cannot thank Nadine enough for her loving guidance in this container.”


    • “If I could describe the past 6 weeks in a few words: alchemical, deeply transformational, uplifting, rejuvenating. I am so grateful for Nadine's wisdom & courage to share this experience. It was the type of healing I have been asking from God for a long time. I thank everyone for being so loving & accepting to each other. I look forward to the future in my new energy.”


    • “Sex Priestess Codes was an incredible experience. In the first 2 weeks, my whole life got shaken up for the better. I've never been so in alignment than now. I have more confidence & a higher sense of self-worth. I am setting higher standards for the people I allow in my life, as well as the use of my energy. I feel more powerful, yet calm & in flow. All of this, plus now having a deeper, more intensely attuned relationship with my sexual energy has made this program absolutely invaluable. I am so, so glad I took the leap & made the investment.”


    • “The Sex Priestess Codes were deeply alchemical. Thus far, you have been a profound inspiration for me in my journey of understanding & embodying Divine Sovereignty. Thank you for showing up, for being your magical authentic Self ! I know my life has now taken a new turn … I can finally feel myself fucking present & anchored in my power aligned with my body's Intelligence & my Dharma. It was THE energetic initiation into sisterhood & womanhood I was longing for! I'll be forever grateful for this experience, it's definitely worth sharing with more sisters. You are doing awe-mazing work. Thank you again beautiful Queen Goddess”.


    • “Nadine is the real deal; her transmission is deep & powerful.  She is a master of both ancient wisdom & her own experience, both of which she brings to her teachings.  She holds space with sensitivity & kindness, offering non-judgmental support as she guides you through deep healing. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with Sex Priestess Codes, but I experienced deep shifts & enjoyed every session immensely.  Working with the body, Nadine helps you access hidden blocks & free them with grace.  The result is a more integrated experience of the feminine & greater pleasure in life, love & sex.  Time with her is very special, & I would sign up for another transmission in a heartbeat!”


    • “This program really gave me the chance to dive deeper into the topics I was already in. I really appreciated the embodiment practices & the experience of Nadine. Being in a container with other women felt so vulnerable & held at the same time, even if I could only watch the replays, as I am living in Europe. I booked it for myself as a birthday gift, great idea, now I feel sovereign in really being the priestess I already felt in myself since a very long time, I can practice it where I still need to (lifelong) & give it to my clients or include it in my programs. Thank you so much Nadine for this safe, professional & juicy container!”

    • “Mmmm... as a facilitator myself I can say that ...this was the best YES I’ve said to my next level expansion this year! So yummy and juicy! Even with my previous tantra and womb healing trainings, it was still wonderful to be in Nadine’s frequency. So many breakthroughs in the 6 week training alone that honestly I can’t wait to have space for a 1:1 mentorship with Nadine! Space holders get to be held to.”

      Hara Amaya

    • “The last 6 weeks with Nadine have been nothing but transformational. I laughed, I cried, I breathed, I growled & roared, I danced & moved, I punched pillows & let out rage, I wrote, & I connected to myself deeper than I ever thought possible. I have a new found confidence & way of life. I have awakened the Divine Feminine within myself. As well as my Masculine. I have married myself & vowed to honour both energies, everyday. I experienced a profound bliss & ecstasy while doing the orgasmic manifestation exercise. I felt my heart explode open & felt the energy flow from the base of my spine all the way up. I have never experienced that before, & want to continue feeling pure ecstasy. I feel the calling to exercise my Sex Priestess & initiate men into their Divine Masculine. I believe these tantric practices are the key to awakening everyone in the world & I feel a divine calling to share this knowledge with the everyone. If you feel any sort of calling for these practices & want to explore your femininity and how that relates to men & the world, then this life changing course is for you”.


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